Community Chapel Church
  Natchez, Mississippi

In 1979, a group of Natchez people attending the Ferriday Church of God began praying for a church in Natchez.  Homes were opened for worship and the people were truly "of one heart and of one soul".

In 1980, our first pastor was called.  Rev. Newell Petty and his wife, Shirley, were called to Natchez to lead and guide our church.  Land was purchased on Morgantown Road at Oakland Drive.  Soon our congregation outgrew the older white building we first used there.  Over the next 5 years we broke ground on a new sanctuary, gained and lost another pastor, Rev. Johnny Pfifer, and continued to grow.  In 1986, Rev. Steve Pearson became our pastor. In 2011, Rev. Steve Pearson went to be with our Lord. In that same year, Rev. Bo Swilley became our pastor.

Over the years, we have expanded to include a gymnasium, storage, and classrooms, giving us the resources that allowed our youth ministry programs to grow as well as our adult participation.  As God blesses us, we look forward with great anticipation to the future.

We hold the following positions in regard to what the Bible teaches:

We believe that there is one God, Who exists eternally as three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Matthew 3:16,17;  2 Corinthians 13:14

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of a virgin. He lived a totally sinless life, was crucified on a cross, rose from the dead, and ascended into Heaven where He never ceases to make intercession for mankind.  Luke 1:26-31;  John 3:16;  2 Corinthians 5:21;  Mark 15:21-24;  Mark 16:6;  Acts 1:9; Hebrews 7:25

We believe that the Holy Spirit dwells within believers so that they can live the Christian life through His empowering and enabling. John 14:16-18; Romans 8:2-16

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God. It is totally inspired by God, without error in its message to us, and is the sole, infallible rule of faith and practice for the church. 2 Timothy 3:16;  2 Peter 1:19-21

We believe that salvation is a gift from God, not to be earned by good works or religious practices. It is to be found in Jesus Christ alone, Who was crucified and died in our place as the penalty for sin for all who would accept Him. Ephesians 2:8;  Titus 3:5

We believe in a second work of grace in the heart of every believer called sanctification, or perfect love. This work, which is made possible through the Holy Spirit, enables believers to live life in fellowship with God so that they do not practice sin. 1 Thessalonians 4:3;  1 Thessalonians 5:23,24

We believe that God's grace makes it possible to keep faith with Him until He calls the believer home to heaven.

We also believe that it possible to willfully forfeit God's grace, thereby forfeiting all of its benefits and privileges. Jude 24-25;  Galatians 1:6;  John 15:1-6

We believe that coming to know Christ as Savior makes one a member of a local church. Acts 2:47

We believe that everyone who knows Christ as Savior is a part of God's One Family called the church. Regardless of culture, Christ's followers are all one in Him. John 10:9;  Ephesians 3:14,15

We believe that the Kingdom of God is a present, spiritual reality. Romans 14:17;  John 18:36

We believe that Christ taught three ordinances for His followers to practice: Baptism by immersion, holy communion, and the washing of the saints' feet. Matthew 3:13-17;  Matthew 26:26-29;  John 13:1-17,

We believe that, at the appointed time, Christ will visibly return to judge the living and the dead. The righteous will live in a literal heaven with Him for eternity. The unrighteous and unbelievers will experience eternal pain and separation from God in a literal hell. Matthew 13:47-50;  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18;  Revelation 1:7;  Revelation 20:11-15

Our Doctrinal Position

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