Community Chapel Church
  Natchez, Mississippi

Celebrate Recovery

Every Thursday, 6:00 p.m.
First Baptist Church, Vidalia

"Oh! there is never sorrow of heart

That shall lack a timely end,

If but to God we turn, and ask

Of Him to be our friend!"

William Wordsworth

Thanks for visiting Community Chapel's website.  We hope you feel the sense of friendship and community that makes our church so very special!  God is working and we join Him!  If we can help you in any way, please let us know by visiting the Contact Us page.​

Men's Fellowship Supper

7:00 p.m.,  Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Services Online

We believe that life is a journey and that the Christian life is a path of commitment and growth into an ever deepening relationship with our Lord and Savior.  This means a lifetime of steps taken toward Him in growth and maturity as a Christian.  We view it as our mission to encourage and aid one another in taking the next step toward Christ, both in our individual lives and as a corporate body - a deeper, more intimate walk with Him that really does change how we live our lives.

Follow us in the Facebook community, where we'll post services, upcoming events, photos and other activities going on within the church.

Take the Next Step

Welcome to Community Chapel's YouTube channel, Find video recordings of our Sunday morning services posted there. Services are every Sunday at 10:30am and 6:00pm.

Follow Us

Sunday Bulletin

Opportune Time - page 2

History of St. Patrick's Day - page 3

Tithes & Donations

Ladies "Table Talk",  every Sunday @ 4:00 p.m.

Our Sunday Bulletin is available online for you to keep up with upcoming church events and weekly services. Click the button to view or print.

We are indeed a part of God's family and we draw strength, encouragement, edification and accountability from one another.  We believe the Bible teaches a relational theology, and that God's people are more than a sum of all the parts when Christ is at the center!

9:30 A.M. - Sunday School

10:30 A.M. - Morning Worship

6:00 P.M. - Evening Service


6:00 P.M. Classes

Be sure to set your clock ahead one hour on March 9th, 2025

Use this natural reminder to check your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors

Tithes and donations are also an online feature for our church community. If you choose to tithe or make a donation online, please click the donate button!

Click here for additional information.


We exist to extend love and hope to our community by taking the next step toward Christ together.
We believe that it is no coincidence that God has placed us here in the Natchez/Vidalia community.  We are not just here for social activities, we are here to fulfill His purpose, and we take this seriously.  We are a caring, loving church that wants to be a healing factor in people's lives.  The two main gifts that we wish to give to hurting, lost people of our community is that God loves them, and that there is indeed hope.


In 1975, the United Nations established March 8th as International Women's Day. 

Purpose:  To recognize women's contributions to society in the areas of culture, economics, politics, and social progress. 

Our Purpose as a Church

Tithes and donations are also an online feature for our church community. If you choose to tithe or make a donation online, please click the donate button!